Monday, November 14, 2011


  1. Deal Well With Other People
  2. Filipinos are people who really value the meaning of relationship, they are open to others, feel one with others and sensitive to others feeling.
  3. Family Orientation
  4. Filipinos are known for a close family relationship, they posses a genuine and deep love for their families which include not only their parents but also their siblings, and other relatives. Filipinos have a strong belief in “Blood is thicker than water”.
  5. Joy and Humor
  6. Filipinos have a pleasant disposition, they can afford to laugh at their own mistakes and can make jokes about their good and bad fortune.
  7. Flexibility, Adaptability, and Creativity
  8. Filipinos have a great capacity to adjust and adapt to different circumstances and surrounding environment, both physical and social. Unplanned or unanticipated events are never overly disturbing and disorineting to ther Filipinos. Creative, resourceful and quick learners and have the ability to improvise and make use what ever is available.
  9. Hard work and Industry
  10. Filipinos have the capacity for hard work given the proper conditions, the desire to raise one’s standard of living and posses the essentials of a decent life for ones family, makes the Filipino work very hard.
  11. Faith and Religiosity
  12. Filipinos as Catholics have a deep faith and respect to God. The result of Filipinos faith are courage, daring optimism, inner peace as well as the capacity to accept tragedy and death.
  13. Ability to Survive
  14. This strength is manifested in Filipinos capacity for endurance despite difficult times and their ability to get by on so very little.


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